episode 15 video Chirasree Bose is a passionate writer with a fanatic zeal to make a difference through her words. Her first book ‘Done With Her…’ released in Feb 2019 and has grabbed remarkable positions in the top books list on Amazon a number of times. Her latest bestselling book ‘Mrs. Basu’s Uncensored Familism’ is of the genre ‘drama and humor’, which has won the hearts of readers across the country through its clever jabs at societal norms. Her third book, a thriller called 'There's Blood on Your Heart' has just released and is available in all leading online stores. Chirasree started her career back in 2012 as a software engineer and in due course, realized her passion for writing. She worked as an editor and writer with various writing platforms and continues to expand the horizon of her skills with diverse forms of writing. website- https://www.chirasreebose.com/