episode 1 video Ankush Bharti Ankush Bharti is the Chief Operations Officer of Writers' Kalam, India's latest knowledge-based education venture. Also, the Editor-in-Chief of The Holistic Pine, the independent monthly lifestyle international journal released by Writers' Kalam, Ms Bharti, keeps an open mind towards the possibilities of content creation in the new media. She is trained in content writing and content marketing. A writer with experience in the publishing industry, Ankush Bharti has coauthored several books. Previously, she worked as a content reviewer for a prominent organisation. She was also the co-founder of a content writing company. An avid reader, she spent hours of her time as a youngster in the libraries of Shimla. This experience proved crucial in providing her with the necessary material for the writer in her. Known as a prodigy since an early age, she has won many national and international competitions in writing. She writes fiction, nonfiction, poe...