episode 4 video Kathryn P. Carter is an educational consultant, children’s book author, and speaker. Her goal is to elevate, energize and encourage children to become reading rockstas. She is the author of The Lizzie B. Hayes children’s book series about a precocious eight-year-old and three generations of her colorful family. Her historical fiction series is just right for children ages 8-12. Through her Ten Steps to Reading Success © parent workshop, participants learn tips and strategies to support children on the journey to success in school and in life. Kathryn is available to speak about children's literacy development and tips for aspiring authors. #authorlife #writerslife, #lol, #loveofliterature, #aspiringauthors, #tipsforpublishing, #sredhanea, #jayanthisankar, #jaysre, #allunderoneumbrella, #writingjourney, #becominganauthor, #editimanuscript, #literaryagents, #editors, #publishers