Dr. Megha The author, Megha is a dental surgeon by profession and loves to work around words too. She has been writing short stories and poetry in English for a while. Megha completed her education in Bangalore and presently lives in Raipur with her lovely family. She is friendly, loves talking to people, an animal lover and a traveller. ' By two coffee - and other tales brewed in Bangalore' is a collection of short stories, that she self-published. It is largely based on her life as a child in Bangalore.
LOL - episode 3
LOL - episode 3 VIDEO Anu Lal is one of India’s leading short story writers. He has written three books of short stories, one novella, and three anthologies. His stories, poems, and articles are also published by various national and international journals. He lives in Kerala, with his family. He loves music, art, books, and above all, the incessant desire to write about his findings on life. Follow on Instagram: @authorlal ANU LAL Author, Researcher, Educator Website: http://anulal.weebly.com/ Blog: http://anu-lal.blogspot.in/
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